Pass the Peace Pipe Hippie

I’m burned out. Yep, utterly burned out. There is an incessant bickering that I thought was part of the process but it turns out it is just ignorance attempting to out-stupefy the opposite ignorance. In case you have not caught on yet, I’m talking about politics and all of the argumentative and condescending commentary that is out there right now.

There is a time for discourse and we need such discourse to keep things balanced, but as of late, the discourse has turned into a ruckus. Wait, ruckus is too nice of a word, full out brawl is better. We have Glenn Beck making some of the most random comments I’ve heard while on the left there is a general consensus that everyone on the right is a bigoted racist who wants to invade Mexico. All of the chatter is like a giant ray gun pointed at my brain. I just can’t take it anymore.

I thought I could away from it by avoiding television news. I wouldn’t have to listen to Katie Couric read us a page from her notebook or Glenn Beck ramble on about freedoms. I thought I would be able to manage my Twitter account well enough to somewhat block out the continual rants from both sides. It all still trickles in. My primary source of news has long been articles written by actual economists and political science writers but I’m relying on it even more now.

What really amazes me is that people are still ranting about Sarah Palin. Really? If she is as useless and unimportant as people claim she is then if you stop talking about her, maybe she’ll stop being so important. By ranting you’re just perpetuating the whole thing.

That brings me to the issues that currently face the country. A jobs report came out today and it was not good news. The national unemployment rate continues to stay in the 9.5-9.7% range. This is an issue that President Obama and the House and Senate should be discussing fervently. Not pushing agendas, not looking for the best opportunity to drop a sound bite, but simply talking about options. Of course, this is only one issue, there are many others and I think for all of them, realistic discussions in which political prowess does not come into the mix would be a good thing.

The other thing that has my raised my blood pressure significantly lately is all of this talk about the Constitution and people’s rights. There are two camps here, both claiming that their understanding of the Constitution is the right one. To be honest, I think they’re both wrong. One side wants you to believe that the Constitution is a completely living document, open to interpretation and meant to be applied as needed. The other believes the Constitution is a completely strict document that needs to be taken literally. Both of these views go to the extremes. The way I see it is that the Constitution is living, but not in the way most think of it. It was meant to be changed, but only by amending it. It was also meant to be interpreted but not to the extreme that we should break it down to minutia and apply to every single possible permutation of an issue. To do so would not only be time consuming, it would be next to impossible.

What we need is a true understanding of a Constitutional republic. As a nation we have become so much more complicated than when founded, it is making adaptation difficult. It makes me wonder if people still really believe in the concept of states making their own decisions when it comes to politics. If people do then a lot of the bickering seems mighty overblown. We can be positive and yet have discourse if we remember how to actually debate something rather than parrot what our favorite television personality says. We need more readers of history and less of Twitter. We need more action and less activism. We need to grow up a little.

3 thoughts on “Pass the Peace Pipe Hippie

  1. While I generally agree that political discourse on both the right and left has reached new lows, I still believe the circus on the right is much worse and more pervasive than the left. If the recent Newsweek poll is correct, 52 percent of Republicans say it is “definitely true” or “probably true” that the President “sympathizes with the goals of Islamic fundamentalists who want to impose Islamic law around the world.” What are we to make of this? I could understand 20%, but 52%? Who are these people? For me, it’s not a sign of bigotry (although I’m sure there is some of that) as much as just plain ol’ fashion propaganda-driven ignorance. I bet these 52 percent get their news almost exclusively from right wing infotainment sources. Sadly, I also bet a large portion of the 52 percent also claim to be part of the Christian right (or am I just too cynical?).

  2. Maybe that’s what people really think of the President. I don’t necessarily agree with the outcome of the poll and I’d like to know what question they asked to get their responses.

    I think part of the perception is the President’s own doing. His somewhat callous regard for Israel and the call for “peace” without some condemnation of the Palestinian terrorist actions does not go over well for him in my opinion.

    Also, I think your point leads to a different topic. The painting of right leaning people as ignorant or bigoted or racist does nothing but further fan the fire. And it’s not just left wing news commentators, it’s the President and his staff doing such name calling. It’s unbelievable. Just as unbelievable as that poll.

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