Remember this date

I think March 3, 2025 will go down in the history books as the day a switch flipped in the United States. A turning point, an impetus, a peak before a cliff. I’m posting this mostly for myself so I can look back and remember the exact date of when it happened.

It feels like we are entering a part of American history that we might not be ready for or one that we truly understand until a historians examine it 50 or 60 years later.

A little travel photography

In January I had a work trip to Lisbon and at the end of that trip I met up with a few friends in Glasgow to explore the city and fly on a route that is famous in aviation geek circles, the Glasgow to Barra route where the runway in Barra is the low tide sand of the island. On the way home I had a half day in London and spent those hours walking around enjoying the people watching. These are a few of the photos I took and I’ve embedded a video of our departure from Glasgow and landing in Barra for your enjoyment.

Tower Bridge in London

London stylish couple

I always enjoy walking around London. My mission on this trip was a visit to a couple of specific coffee shops and I was not disappointed.

The time in Glasgow was a little less rushed with the only commitment being the flight to Barra. I visited a few coffee shops, with a couple being fantastic and one being not so great.

Queen Street Station - Glasgow

Crossing the street in Glasgow

Lastly, the video of the flight to Barra. The highlight of the trip.

CLEAR comes to PDX

CLEAR, the “secure identity company” that allows you to pay to bypass part of the security line, launched lanes at Portland International Airport on Friday

Today, CLEAR (NYSE: YOU), the secure identity company, is launching its identity verification technology at Portland International Airport (PDX), bringing frictionless and predictable travel experiences to Oregon. CLEAR’s launch at PDX is expected to create 53 jobs and generate over $3 million annually in local economic impact.


We could get into CLEAR as a business and how it’s weird how they have to offer all of these extra services (AllTrails premium, etc.) but what I want to focus on is how unnecessary CLEAR is at PDX. Before Covid, I flew out of PDX every week and with PreCheck it never took me more than 10 minutes to get through security during the busiest time of day, 6:30am-9am. Maybe CLEAR benefits those who don’t have PreCheck but want to skip the long line for regular security?

Instead of bringing in CLEAR, I wish the Port of Portland and the TSA would have worked together to make sure the scanning machines were fully staffed during the busiest days and hours. That alone would save people tons of time.

This falls into one of those weird “privatization of a service that really shouldn’t even be a service” categories. Just make security better and we don’t need CLEAR.

Port of Portland plans to meet with Korean Air on service to Asia

The Port of Portland held a boarding meeting on December 11, 2024 and during that meeting they discussed the lack of transpacific flights. They went through some slides on the rebound of Asia travel and how it is still below 2019 levels, but, they also mentioned that some of the board was headed to Atlanta next week to have discussions with SkyTeam and Korean Air Lines. The discussion goes on to highlight how good the connections are out of Seoul-Incheon Airport to the rest of Asia.

Delta used to fly Portland to Tokyo-Narita but in the latter half of 2023 they ended that route. Since then, there have not been any non-stop passenger flights to Asia from Portland. Korean Air Lines is a Delta partner and is a member of the SkyTeam alliance. Having flights going through Seoul makes a ton of sense to connect passengers to the rest of the continent and would be a huge gain for PDX. Even if Korean only ran these flights 3-4x/week I believe there is enough traffic (based on the slide shared at the board meeting) to make it profitable. I’ve posted the full video below, starting when the discussion about Asia begins. They discuss their meeting Korean around 39:12.

There is also mention of discussions with JAL (Japan Airlines) in Tokyo sometime soon though no details were shared. There was also a very short bit about pursuing summer seasonal service to Dublin, Paris, and Munich. Of those, Paris seems the most likely because of Air France’s ties to Delta and existing service to Amsterdam on KLM.

In any case, a super interesting developments for Portland and PDX, hopefully we see more flights and service around the world!

On cycling

On cycling

I spent last week in Houston for work and as part of the trip I had to rent a car. The part of town I stayed and worked in is an area I’m quite familiar with and remembering my way around came pretty quickly. What was more of a shock was just how aggressive and dangerous drivers had become. Red light running in west Houston seemed like a sport, where different drivers were showing off just how late they could run a red. Tailgating on the freeways made Los Angeles versions seem tame. And just some of the behaviors of drivers were off putting; At one point there was a car honking at people who stopped at a red light. The car sped into the next lane, cut the cars off at the light to make a right turn while not stopping for traffic that had the right of way. I have seen some similar driving behavior at home in Portland but not at the scale I saw it in Houston.

Then, a few days ago an article popped up on the Washington Post titled, “Why so many Americans prefer sprawl to walkable neighborhoods”. I wish I could share the full text here but the gist of the article is that Americans prefer sprawling areas because typically a house in the area is bigger for the same amount of money as a smaller home in a walkable area.

People, however, do not live according to the preferences of planners. Pew Research Center recently asked 5,079 American adults whether they would prefer to live in a community where the houses are smaller and closer to each other but schools, stores and restaurants are within walking distance — in other words, a 15-minute neighborhood — or where the houses are larger and farther apart but schools, stores and restaurants are several miles away — in other words, sprawl.

Most people, it turned out, preferred sprawl.

This seems like the antithesis of Europe, where most cities and even most towns are walkable with public transit filling in the longer gaps. Some of this is simply cultural, with Europeans spending large amounts of time outside of their homes. Americans have the concept of the third place but I don’t know that it’s as central to American life as it used to be.

Thinking about my work trip to Houston, I also wonder how much of it is tied to the amount of time the city sees very hot and humid conditions. Walking a half mile in 98% humidity with a feels like temperature of 110 is not something most people would enjoy, so the entire culture has been focused on air-conditioned car transportation. But my time in the car in Houston had me reflecting on just that, the amount of time I was in a car. I tracked one trip, to go from my hotel, two miles down the road to grab breakfast for my team, and one mile from there to the office. I didn’t count the time picking up the food, just the time in the car; 38 minutes total. It seems like an absurd amount of time to go three miles but at rush hour, that’s what it took.

I rode my cargo bike tonight in 38 degree weather with my toddler on the back. It was two miles to the restaurant and two miles back and each way took me around fifteen minutes. He listened to music, asked me questions about cars we passed, and I think had fun time. This isn’t to brag, I just want more of it for everyone. It felt like better time together than sitting in traffic getting frustrated. I want more people to enjoy their commutes, their errands, the mundane. Make it an adventure. Maybe a bike can be part of that.

Cycling isn’t for everyone, but can we make areas more walkable while preserving the bigger homes? Maybe we should measure our success and our surroundings by how safe and easy it is for our kids to walk to school. And I don’t think Portland has perfected any of this. We have a long way to go in making the streets safer for all pedestrians.

I don’t know that we’ll ever build “European style” cities in the United States with large, family focused apartment blocks. In fact it seems like builders are doing the opposite, building lots of studio and 1-bedroom apartments. But Carmel, Indiana has transformed a chunk of town into a walkable and bikable haven in an interesting experiment of city design. Part of the design is separating car and bike traffic but also just simply slowing car traffic down.

Unfortunately the cynic in me just sees everyone enjoying the time in their cars alone too much to ever entertain the idea of a walkable or bikable city.

Anyway, this was a long winded way of saying, I’d love to see more people walking and biking around their towns and cities. It is a great way of enjoying your neighborhood and turning those errands you have into adventures.

Saying goodbye to United

Saying goodbye to United

I recently wrote about United Airlines increasing the spend and flight requirements for every status level in their MileagePlus frequent flyer program. The changes bring them in line with the monetary requirements as their equivalent Delta Medallion statuses, the one difference being that Delta does not require a certain number of flights in exchange for lower spend.

My take on the changes is that United is definitely trying to push people to spend on their credit cards, even upping the number of elite points you can earn from that spend. They are also looking to get a little bit more spend from those frequent flyers who were right on the cusp of earning the next highest status. Lastly, they are trying to “thin the herd” of frequent flyers a tad bit, though I think this isn’t as much of a motivator as some make it out to be. If you want to hear more about the motivations of United, you can listen to a recent episode of Dots, Lines, and Destinations where we had Ed Pizzarello on as a guest to talk about United’s elite status requirement increases.

From the title, you can probably guess where this is going. This year I made it to United’s Platinum status and could probably push it to make it to 1K for 2025, but requalifying next year for 1K with the new requirements would be close to impossible. I am a lifetime Gold with United after flying over 1 million miles on them (and Continental) and so I will have those benefits no matter what. If I really wanted to spend a lot of time on airplanes over the next year, I could shoot for 3 million miles (I need about 1.3 million more) and get lifetime 1K but I think I value my sanity too much to even attempt that.

So, going forward I am not going to prioritize United in my travel plans. I’ll look at schedules and price and make a decision based solely on that. When possible I am going to lean toward flying Alaska Airlines or their oneworld alliance partners. If United comes up cheaper and/or with a better schedule, I will still consider them but I just can’t justify going out of my way to fly them.

This isn’t an easy decision, I love Star Alliance and the number of options they have around the world. I love that United does offer a really cool upgrade option PlusPoints, even if it has been difficult to use them on long haul international routes. I love that United has been adding lots of new destinations. I love that the 1K phone line actually gets you to the front of the queue. That’s what makes it hard to just go fly someone else.

Here’s the math I have been pondering. I used to fly Portland-Newark every week for about 30 weeks a year. Looking at average prices it was around $500-$600 roundtrip. Taking the high end of that, it was about $18,000 in spend and 60 flights. That used to qualify me for 1K. Next year I would need to spend an additional $10,000 to qualify for 1K. And I don’t travel nearly that much anymore, but I do quite a bit of long haul international travel that is fairly expensive and I still didn’t make 1K this year and don’t really want to give United the few thousand dollars it would take to make it.

There is also the question of where the airlines think they are economically and just how long the post-Covid travel boom will last. If in the next year travel were to slow, they could easily adjust their requirements or give bonuses to help people qualify that otherwise wouldn’t, but I can’t be the only frequent flyer who doesn’t live in a hub looking at these changes and questioning which airline I spend my money with and why.

What do you think? Am I making a rash decision? Should I stick with United for another year?

United increases 2025-2026 elite status requirements

United increases 2025-2026 elite status requirements

United released their 2025 requirements for 2026 MileagePlus elite status and it’s not great news. I’ve put two tables with the 2024 requirements and the new 2025 requirements below. For reference, PQF is Premier Qualifying Flights and PQP is Premier Qualifying Points or dollars spent. For every dollar spent on airfare with United you earn 1 PQP.

Year Premier Silver Premier Gold Premier Platinum Premier 1K
2024 12 PQF and 4,000 PQP or 5,000 PQP 24 PQF and 8,000 PQP or 10,000 PQP 36 PQF and 12,000 PQP or 15,000 PQP 54 PQF and 18,000 PQP or 24,000 PQP
2025 15 PQF and 5,000 PQP or 6,000 PQP 30 PQF and 10,000 PQP or 12,000 PQP 45 PQF and 15,000 PQP or 18,000 PQP 60 PQF and 22,000 PQP or 28,000 PQP

As you can see, this comes out to 25% increase in PQF and PQP needed to qualify for each status, with some minor differences for specific ones (1K only needs 11% more PQFs with 22% more PQPs).

In an email sent to MileagePlus members, there are the following perks coming for PlusPoints, a currency that once earned, allows flyers to upgrade flights from economy to Premium Economy and Polaris (Business class).

Starting in mid-2025, PlusPoints earned upon achieving the highest tiers of
Premier status will become even more versatile. In addition to using
PlusPoints to request premium seat and cabin upgrades, you’ll soon be able
to redeem PlusPoints for new perks, including:

  • Premier qualifying points (PQP) or Premier qualifying flights (PQF)
  • TravelBank cash
  • Bonus miles
  • Gifting Premier status to other MileagePlus members

So as PlusPoints are earned next year, you’ll be able to use them in 2026 for these new “perks”. These new options seem to be in response to the general complaint I hear which is that PlusPoint upgrades rarely clear. So elite flyers are earning these points and are then unable to use them which is frustrating and deflates the value. And United would much rather having pay business class passengers in those seats rather than upgrading someone using PlusPoints so they needed a way to give the points value and these perks are what they came up with. The PlusPoints now feel like a second currency, in addition to the existing miles you earn from flying and credit card spend.

Keeping it classy in United Polaris business class.

I have mixed feelings about the increase in qualifying points and flights for their respective statuses. One one hand it feels like United is trying to thin the herd of elites in their ranks. By making it harder to earn each level of status, theoretically there will be fewer elites at each of those levels. But that theory doesn’t match what United has said about the market in general, which is that business travel is way down. So with these changes are they insinuating that leisure travelers are spending so much more that they have to thin that out? If so, that’s insane because it doesn’t match the broader economic picture that everyone is painting; That we’re in an economic slump and people are saving not spending.

United clearly has overcrowding issues at their hubs, especially at Newark and San Francisco. Just go browse Threads or Twitter and you will see people complaining that their San Francisco-Newark pre-boarding call for 1Ks, who get early boarding before Group 1, was half of the plane. These are fortress hubs for United with limited competition so lots of elites are expected but with these latest requirement changes, they make it just a little harder for those flyers to earn status. Maybe it knocks that early boarding number down by 5 people per flight. United must have some data to back up their decisions, or they are simply getting very greedy.

What are my plans?

I have my doubts that these increases impact the number of elites at each level but I would love to be proven wrong. I think the spend requirements for 1K, where you get lots of PlusPoints for upgrades and generally more perks, is outrageous and don’t see my travel patterns ever meeting the $22k and 60 flight requirement to qualify. What I struggle with is where to go instead. United’s schedules out of Portland are actually quite good and my cursory searches of other carriers aren’t promising. Delta has similar schedules but they also have similar spend requirements for elite status. Alaska does not have all of the spend requirements but their schedules out of Portland are not great, especially if they don’t fly somewhere non-stop out of here. Because they lack a middle of the country or east coast hub, the connection options are limited to one of their other west coast hubs or via American Airlines and one of their hubs; American’s schedules aren’t much better.

All of this to say, I feel quite stuck. What makes this even more difficult is that I am at 1.5 million lifetime miles on United, guaranteeing lifetime Gold status. If I fly another 1.5 million miles I am guaranteed lifetime 1K. I would love to reach that milestone but just don’t know that I can do that quickly (or cheaply). So, for longhaul work flights, I think I am going to fly the better carriers when I can and credit to Alaska. For domestic travel I am thinking I’ll give preference to United but if they are outrageously priced I’ll consider other carriers. We will see how this plays out in the next few months, I have a few international work trips in the planning stages and I’ll need to make a decision.


United has raised the qualification requirements for elite status and announced some new things that elites can redeem their PlusPoints for, making up for the fact it is so hard to redeem the PlusPoints for upgrades. The qualification requirements have gone up around 25% for most status levels. If United sees a shift in the economy they can change these requirements or give bonuses and adjust next year.

Qantas giving upgrades to politicians

Qatar Airlines 777

Ben from One Mile at a Time

According to the book, Australia’s current Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, has received at least 22 free Qantas upgrades from economy class, including some for his family and personal travel. The book claims that Albanese would liaise directly with Joyce for these upgrades. It’s claimed that the requests for these upgrades date back several years, including to when Albanese had the role of Transport Minister.

Ben goes on to discuss whether this even matters.

Am I the only one who feels like we’re splitting hairs here? How about we see an Australian politician actually fight for the people, and make it so that politicians don’t get access to a special lounge, and where it is an issue when politicians get free upgrades? This isn’t how it should be, in my opinion.

To what extent did these factors influence the relationship between politicians and Qantas? I mean, it’s hard to say, though if you ask me, the Australian government has tried to block foreign competitors of Qantas, all while letting the airline operate in a way that simply isn’t in the best interest of the traveling public.

I tend to think it does matter, especially as there was (and still is) quite a bit of controversy over Qantas getting its way as foreign carriers ask for more flights into Australia as part of their bilateral agreements. The Albanese government rejected those requests.

The Guardian’s write-up on the blocking of the flights is quite telling.

“The Government has the opportunity to make some immediate decisions that will put downward pressure on airfares, and improve reliability and competitiveness,” McKenzie said.

She said the decision to refuse Qatar’s request “makes little sense, particularly when we’ve seen the cost of international flights in some cases treble in the last couple of years”. McKenzie claimed allowing it would put “downward pressure on airfares”.

McKenzie said King had provided varying reasons for rejecting the request, including wanting “to help Qantas afford to buy new planes”.

“This government seems to be running a protection racket for a major domestic carrier by refusing to increase competition and freight capacity,” McKenzie said.


Prices into and out of Australia are at all time highs and Qantas is posting record profits. Other carriers are begging to fly more flights and potentially lower fares and those requests are being rejected by a government where the leader is receiving status and upgrades from what you could call the national airline. If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, and gets upgraded like a duck…

Friday links

Some links this week that I found interesting.

United’s 2025 route announcement

United’s 2025 route announcement

The Announcement

On October 10, United Airlines announced eight new destinations and a few other new routes. I had predicted, because of my own selfish desire that United fly the routes, San Francisco-Hanoi and San Francisco-Bangkok as well as Newark-Palermo. The only one I predicted accurately was Newark-Palermo. The full list of new destinations are:

  • Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia – United will serve Ulaanbaatar from Tokyo-Narita on a 737 starting May 1, 2025.
  • Kaohsiung, Taiwan – United will serve this southern Taiwan destination from Tokyo-Narita on a 737 starting July 11, 2025.
  • Dakar, Senegal – This will be flown from Washington-Dulles starting May 23, 2025. I’m guessing this will be flown on a 787-8 but that info is not confirmed yet.
  • Nuuk, Greenland – From Newark, this route will start on June 14, 2025. The speculation is that this will be flown on a 737 MAX 8, but no confirmation from United yet.
  • Palermo, Italy – United will fly to this destination from Newark and the route will start on May 21, 2025. This route was originally planned for summer of 2020 but the Covid lockdowns prevented it from happening. The route will be operated by a 767-400ER.
  • Bilbao, Spain – Starting May 31, 2025, United will fly to Bilbao out of Newark. United didn’t state what plane they will be flying on the route but my guess would be a 767-300ER or a 757-200.
  • Madeira Island, Portugal – United will operate a 3-times weekly flight to the Portuguese island out of Newark. This is another route that might be operated by a 737 MAX 8, but we don’t yet know for sure.
  • Faro, Portugal – This Portuguese beach destination will start out of Newark four times a week on May 16. This is another flight I think could be a 757-200.

A few other items were announced as well, including year-round service from Tokyo-Narita to Palau. This service is in addition to the flights on United between Palau and Manila and Palau and Guam. There will also be a new daily flight between Houston and Puerto Escondido, Mexico on an Embraer E-175. San Francisco will see a new service to San Jose, Costa Rica once daily. And lastly, United will fly Washington-Dulles to Venice, Italy and Nice, France in summer of 2025 in addition to the Newark flights to those destinations.

My Thoughts

It is nice that United is adding some new routes and I think a few of them really stand out. Their announcement in summary was, “people are bored going to Rome” and that sentiment doesn’t necessarily sit well with me. Yes, people want new destinations and there are travelers who want to go to these new destinations but I wouldn’t define most of what they announced as popular tourist destination.

The exciting routes to me are Nuuk, Ulaanbaatar, and Palermo, with Palermo being interesting because it is in Sicily and directly competes with Delta’s newly announced route to Catania. The most exciting to me is Ulaanbaatar; I would love to visit Mongolia and spend some time on steppe exploring. It is not an easy place to reach on Star Alliance with transit of China, South Korea, or Turkey being the only way to get there until this United flight starts.

Seth recently visited Greenland on the new Air Greenland service to Canada and I think he raises some very practical questions on the ability of Greenland to handle a large influx of tourists. The route is super cool though and I do hope to experience it and explore Greenland.

I am sure Bilbao, Spain will perform well for United but I do wonder what United will run the route on. The runway at Bilbao is 8,500 feet and surrounded by hills and mountains so it will need to be a performant aircraft, making me lean toward a 757-200.

Faro, Portugal makes some sense because of the large Portuguese population in New Jersey and Faro being a well regarded beach/coastal locale.

The Kaohsiung route is an interesting addition out of Tokyo. My understanding is that there is a ton of demand to Taiwan and this is another option where United can route traffic to the country on their metal with a single stop in Japan. With slots at Narita fairly easy to come by I could see United continuing to explore options out of the airport to tertiary cities in Asia.

Overall I was relatively unimpressed by the announcement. It almost feels like United hired a British stag/hen party planner and just went with whatever destinations they recommended. Maybe folks really want to go to places on the Mediterranean for the Instagram novelty but that doesn’t excite me very much. We’ll have to see how the routes perform, especially as year-over-year travel numbers start to decline.