A New Beginning

As you can see, badice.com has received a facelift. The change has been long overdue and I am sure many people will welcome it. Some of the things I am looking forward to are:

  • Comments
  • A better looking page
  • A real blog script sitting behind the scenes, allowing me to focus on the writing

For everyone reading through a feed reader, you will want to reference the new feed, which is now live.

Over the next few days I will be editing certain parts of the site to add back content that is missing from the old design. Please feel free to send me an e-mail in the meantime and let me know what you think.

New Design…

Well as you can see I am working on a new design. I just get bored with my designs real quick and feel I have to change it. I am pretty pleased with this one though. I will try to get it up on all the pages as soon as possible.

I will finally get initiated into ATO tonight. The reason it took so long was because ATO had a soccer game on Sunday night when we were supposed to originally get initiated and then last night we had chapter, so we had to wait. But tonight, I will finally become an active ATO.

The weather seems to be getting colder and colder everyday. Supposedly it will be down in the 10’s when we come back from Thanksgiving, we’ll see……