A Year of Firsts

As 2008 draws to a close, the realization that it was a year full of “firsts” for both me and now my family is finally sinking in. The year has been a great one, with highs and lows and every combination in-between.

Jessica and I were married this year and will always look back at 2008 as the beginning of our lives together. We traveled to Belize and endured a hurricane in Houston — something that I hope stays a “first and only” event. I became a co-host of the SitePoint Podcast and rebuilt this site. Our new family celebrated its first Thanksgiving and Christmas and just recently we decided it was time to add another member to the family and adopted a puppy named “Sofie”.

A year of firsts is coming to an end and leading us to a year of seconds, thirds, but hopefully some more firsts thrown in along the way.

Happy New Year!

May your 2009 be blessed and full of joy.