first day of class…

I took my first class of the new semester today, ISQS 2341, or Business Computer Programming. Basically it is an intro programming/Java course and it seems easy (even though the teacher is asian and very hard to understand). He says that we have to come to class even though the first month will be nothing but beginner programming stuff (I guess good for me, bad for newbies).

I finally was able to get ahold of someone in Snyder county to take care of my ticket and they said I am not allowed to do deferred adjudication to get the ticket dismissed because I have never had a ticket before (well I’m sorry! I don’t usually speed)… So that rule makes a whole lot of sense. NOT!


I had a song stuck in my head for the latter part of the day but I couldn’t remember the name of it or the name of the group. But Google once again saved the day. I typed in the lyrics that I did know and it popped the song right up… Rush – A Passage To Bangkok, great song.

hardcore activists invade Lubbock…

So there is a group here (since last week) called “God Hates Fags” and I won’t link to them because they don’t deserve a link. Anyway, they have come here for the following reasons:

  1. There is pair of Elton John’s sunglasses in the Buddy Holly museum.
  2. There is a teacher at Lubbock High School who is gay.
  3. They say that Texas Tech is “fag” infested.
  4. A church here allows homosexuals to worship in their sanctuary

All I could say when I read this was what a sick bunch. These people picketed Matthew Shepard’s funeral with signs that read “Matthew is in hell” and “Homosexuals Burn”. SICK! Picketing a funeral that was being held because the kid was beat to death. It just makes me sick because some people think that this small group represents the majority of Christians… Well I got news for you; Wrong!

These people quote Bible verses that we should not support gays or allow them in our schools or anything and I think to myself, that isn’t at all what the Bible says. I remember something to the effect of “Hate the sin but love the sinner”. These people just hate, period.

Jeremy’s in the Washington Post

Well Jeremy has received a little bit of fame as his post on how the Google IPO is Evil. The Washington Post mentions his site in their article on the IPO (you may have to fill out a little info to read the article). I have to say that I agree with Jeremy mostly for the reasons he stated, and because of the fact that the last thing we need is another dot-com bust.

Vinnie Garcia has posted a really good entry on why CSS hacks to make pages show up normal on browsers should be done away with. It’s a really good read and Vinnie makes great points. You can read the full entry here

the UNIX epoch…

Some people don’t know how time is stored on computers (namely servers) so let me shed a little light on how it’s done and what problems we may run into in the near future.

Time is stored using something called the Unix Epoch. It is basically a representation of points in time from 00:00:00 on January 1, 1970. Computers today store that number usually as a 32-bit integer, meaning, that the Unix epoch will theoretically end at 3:14:07 on January 19, 2038. Now do you see the problem? Come January 19, 2038 we may see a problem bigger than the Y2K rollover. So what’s being done about the problem? Well so far I haven’t heard about anything major being done. The solution however is fairly easy… Programmers just need to edit all of the code so that the number stored is bigger (ie 64 bits instead of 32). The hard part about that is that there is a lot of code to edit.

money and the internet…

Well I have been thinking about the future of the internet and how the way making money will change over the next few years. I have been kind of lost as to how it will change but there are a few ideas I have been throwing around.

  • Services – I think the companies that provide services (programming, design, etc.) will still be strong for at least the next 5-7 yrs. The reason for this is the fact that people are still trying to make their mark on the web and get their business out there. The fact that there are now tools out there that making websites supposedly “a breeze” does not mean that the site will get your companies name out there. People realize this, especially after they have used some of these tools, so services will be strong for a while at least (until the market is just completely saturated, but will that ever happen?).
  • Data – I feel that data and communication in general is the strongpoint of the internet and will continue to be the focus for people in the long run. We are seeing more and more VoIP (voice over IP) services and the sharing of information between companies is on the rise (as it should be) so I think that it is safe to say that the data/information areas of the internet are secure for the time being.

I will add more as the day goes on… Just wanted to throw a few out there.

my current listening habits…

Well my parents bought me this and this for Christmas and I have been addicted to both. Robert Earl Keen is a great story teller who may not have the greatest voice but he knows how to make you listen. He just released a new CD called “Farm Fresh Onions“, when I get a chance I need to pick it up. And then there is ELO, do I even need to say anything? I mean, come on, it’s the Electric Light Orchestra! Anyway both CD’s are awesome and if you are looking for some new music may I recommend both of them….