
I had a song stuck in my head for the latter part of the day but I couldn’t remember the name of it or the name of the group. But Google once again saved the day. I typed in the lyrics that I did know and it popped the song right up… Rush – A Passage To Bangkok, great song.

hardcore activists invade Lubbock…

So there is a group here (since last week) called “God Hates Fags” and I won’t link to them because they don’t deserve a link. Anyway, they have come here for the following reasons:

  1. There is pair of Elton John’s sunglasses in the Buddy Holly museum.
  2. There is a teacher at Lubbock High School who is gay.
  3. They say that Texas Tech is “fag” infested.
  4. A church here allows homosexuals to worship in their sanctuary

All I could say when I read this was what a sick bunch. These people picketed Matthew Shepard’s funeral with signs that read “Matthew is in hell” and “Homosexuals Burn”. SICK! Picketing a funeral that was being held because the kid was beat to death. It just makes me sick because some people think that this small group represents the majority of Christians… Well I got news for you; Wrong!

These people quote Bible verses that we should not support gays or allow them in our schools or anything and I think to myself, that isn’t at all what the Bible says. I remember something to the effect of “Hate the sin but love the sinner”. These people just hate, period.

Jeremy’s in the Washington Post

Well Jeremy has received a little bit of fame as his post on how the Google IPO is Evil. The Washington Post mentions his site in their article on the IPO (you may have to fill out a little info to read the article). I have to say that I agree with Jeremy mostly for the reasons he stated, and because of the fact that the last thing we need is another dot-com bust.

Vinnie Garcia has posted a really good entry on why CSS hacks to make pages show up normal on browsers should be done away with. It’s a really good read and Vinnie makes great points. You can read the full entry here