I Hate Bugs

No, not insects, software bugs. I hate when you have worked hard on something and it works but somehow, someway it breaks down the line. Then comes the debugging process, which in my opinion, is the worst part. Going through lines and lines of code trying to find the root of the problem and then deciding if it is fixable and if so how do you go about fixing it.

The big bugs are usually the easiest ones to find while the little ones make you bang your head on your desk. I really need bug tracking software…

Rain, hail, and lightning?

I walk out the door this morning to go to school and I see lightning and then it starts raining. About 5 minutes later it started hailing. What is this all about? That is something you don’t see everyday and if it starts snowing then things will really get weird.

It is just weird to have this kind of weather this late in the year.