Microsoft and Internet Explorer

I just finished reading an interview with a Microsoft Security Program Manager in Wired and something that manager said struck me as being the slickest way to slide around a question and not give a decent answer.

The question was:

Wired Magazine: It seems like Microsoft is fighting a losing battle with IE and exploits. Is it?

Microsoft PM: Software written by humans will always contain errors. We’re fundamentally changing the way things operate, to help to make software more resistant to attacks. We’re two and a half years down a much longer road; it’s more of a 10-year timeline.

Wow, how about you give a little more vague response? Everyone knows software is inevitably insecure and that only certain measures can be taken. Why not just tell us that everyone at Microsoft is sitting around dumbfounded by these exploits… At least then we’d feel like we weren’t being cheated.

Gmail as my primary e-mail?

I have been thinking about just using my Gmail account as my primary e-mail account but I am somewhat reluctant for a few reasons.

  • No true POP3/IMAP support. This is a big negative for using Gmail because I like my current IMAP account so much.
  • More capabilities with using a local mail client. Using something Mozilla Thunderbird gives me the ability to have multiple signatures, unlimited space (as big as my hosting account), and more control over what my e-mail looks like.

As of right now I am thinking of buying another domain personalized for me and using that domain for e-mail and a personal site. Still haven’t made up my mind though.

School starts in 6 days and I already have a couple of my books (I am still waiting for another to arrive in the mail). is a God-send. Being able to buy books at such a reduced price is great and the two that I’ve already received are in great shape, so no dissappointments there.