Blood Sugar Test

Tomorrow I will be going in for a regular blood test plus a blood sugar test. The doctor told me that the blood sugar test will take a total of 3 hrs. with the regular blood test taking about 20 minutes.

For the blood sugar testing they will take my blood sugar level when I first get in. They will then give me this thick sugar liquid and take my blood sugar once an hour for the next 3 hours measuring any change that may occur.

I am somewhat worried about the results of the test because it will reveal if I am hypoglycemic or diabetic.

So that will be my exciting Friday. The alternator on my truck was totally shot and completely draining the battery but that was fixed tonight so everything is good again and one less stressful thing to worry about.

Google Public

Google started trading today at $85 a share which is a good deal lower than what was originally planned. Here is a take on the IPO and what can be expected.

Personally I think the IPO will be a flop… There will be a big interest for the next few days and then it will simmer out and people will realize how little of a deal it really is. What I am truly worried about is how Google will handle itself and the decisions it will make now that it is public.

This should get interesting.