Almost Over

School is almost out! I have about a week left of classes then finals, so the end of year 2 of college is coming to a close. I am not too worried about any of the finals except for of course, Managerial Accounting. Since it is cumulative it is a whole lot of information stuffed into an eighty question test.

The final for my programming class should not be too hard at all. It is basically common knowledge things that I already know.

Now Marketing, this is where it gets interesting. We are allowed to have 12 pages of hand written notes during the test. Now, I know this sounds great and all but trying to go through 12 pages of notes to find an answer is a little crazy. I think my strategy for this one will be 6 pages of notes with extremely important stuff highlighted.

My Business Law exam is not cumulative which takes a lot of stress off. The reason being is that this guy’s tests are insanely difficult and a cumulative test would be right up there on the impossible chart.

What else is going on in my life? Well, for one, my job is going great. I really enjoy working with these guys as the work is challenging but lets me do what I like doing.

I have also recently found out that I can paint the vinyl part of my truck’s top with spray paint to make the fade go away. This is probably an undertaking that will happen when I get back to Houston because if I do it here the chances of getting dust in the paint are 100%.