Interersting couple of weeks…

Well, I just got back into Lubbock this morning from a really good Easter break spent with my family and Lyndsay. I went and saw “The Passion of the Christ” and let me just say it has to be one of the greatest movies ever, period. I do not care what anyone says about Mel Gibson, he did an amazing job creating this film and portraying it the way he did. Too much blood?? Only for those who do not live in reality. When someone is whipped or beaten, they bleed, the critics need to realize this. Anyway, it was definitely worth seeing and will be worth buying when it comes out on DVD.

It is going to be a busy and interesting next couple of weeks. I have exams out the wazoo and I have to speak at this month’s Lubbock Developer and Networking User Group about some different topics (mostly PHP and some Java). So that’s my next few weeks in a nutshell.