Been a while…

Well it’s been a while since I’ve updated this thing, so I guess it’s time to catch up.

Mostly I have been enjoying the break by either hanging with the family or in Pearland with Lyndsay. We had a Houston Christmas, you know, 80 degrees with 100% humidity… Some call it beautiful; I call it heat stroke. I received some nice things for Christmas which is listed below:

  • Parents
    1. Paring knife w/ sharpner (really needed one)
    2. Poker chip spinning thingy set
    3. “Bleachers” by John Grisham
    4. “Flags of Our Fathers” by James Bradley
    5. “Flyboys” by James Bradley
    6. Finding Nemo
    7. Windtalkers
    8. Finding Forrester
    9. Car Care Kit (this thing rules!
    10. The Best of ELO CD
    11. Robert Earl Keen – Walking Distance

    All and all some really cool stuff…

  • Lyndsay
    1. This throw blanket that has feathers inside… all I can say is, two thumbs up.
    2. Bruce Almighty (of course, awesome)
    3. A big bag of peanut M&M’s, she knows I’m an M&M fanatic
    4. and Lyndsay’s parents gave me a hoodie from Aeropostale, very nice.

So it was a good Christmas. The truck is running great (thanks to my parents) and all in all it’s been a good break from school.

Just so everyone knows, Lyndsay has entered the world of geekdom. A few weeks ago she used “Google” as a verb by telling me she “googled” something, haha!! Then I found out she knew what Linux was and now she has her own little blog. So welcome her to geekdom by flooding her blog with traffic!

In other news, Texas Tech is playing Navy in the Houston Bowl. My mom got tickets so we are going to go support the Red Raiders as they wreck Navy!!! Speaking of which, a friend I grew up with plays football for Navy. Be watching for him on ESPN.