thoughts on business

I have been thinking about the way a business (mainly a web firm) is run. See, the key people in a web design firm aren’t necessarily the sales people, but instead those who actually do the design and programming. I think that these should be the people who throw out input in a meeting with the client. Why? Well when you think about it the designer/programmer is going to be the one who creates the end product. True, not all of them are people persons but then again, they are the ones with the ability to bring up good points about what works, what doesn’t, and what is out of the question. Designers and programmers should actively be involved in the process, not just part of it. Managers need to manage, and not necessarily use their point of view as the end point of a conversation.

one of those days…

Well, the Accounting test was harder than I thought and it wasn’t because the material was hard it was because the test makers decided to use screwy questions. If I need to do Accounting stuff, I don’t think my bosses are going to ask me to find the effect of a return on an item to their Income Statement. I have a feeling they will look at the Income Statement and go, “oh, we’re doing just fine”.

I think I did alright on the test, it just makes me mad that they try and mess people up. Is that fun for them or something!?

In other news, I am still trying to get my Google PageRank up for this site. Right now it is sitting at 4/10 but hopefully when I get the new design/database system up then the PageRank will skyrocket.

Microsoft is Here…

Well Microsoft showed up yesterday and their first morning at SmoothFusion started today. They are going to be in meetings most of the day but I have been able to give a few suggestions to my boss to throw at them. Namely, the conformity to standards issue I have with MSDN and MSDNAA, the latter of which SmoothFusion maintains.

Until Microsoft accepts standards and starts building a browser that conforms to them, developers will be reluctant to use their products.

On another note, my roommate is having to move out, so I am looking (and so is he) for a replacement roommie. If you or someone know is looking for an apartment here are the details:

2 bedroom

2 bath

All bills paid

Cable TV

Fully Furnished

High Speed Internet

$490 a month

You can contact me about it if you need more details.

Jeremy states that the Google IPO “is evil”

Well Jeremy over at Ensight has stated his feelings about the Google Initial Public Offering. You can read his opinion here.

He makes some good, valid points, especially about how the current market of people who would buy into the Google IPO would tell their friends and turn it into a snowball type of effect. I still however am interested in seeing how the Google IPO effects the tech industry as a whole. As long as Microsoft doesn’t get ahold of any of the stock, I think that Google will stay intact (as long as some of the things Jeremy stated don’t happen).

Whatever happened to courtesy?

You know, there is a little thing called common courtesy that supposedly is still used in the U.S. but I don’t see it… I believe it involves things like not blaring the radio @ 8:30am on a morning when your roommate doesn’t have to go to work. Maybe I am just crazy but that sounds reasonable. Also, I didn’t know that it was possible to both watch TV and listen to the stereo at the same time, especially when both are turned up way higher than necessary. For some reason it just frustrates me… no idea why though…

The thing that makes even more mad is the fact that this comes from a person who supposedly wants to respect his roommate and doesn’t want to make him angry… Whatever. Grow up, learn that life isn’t always about yourself and how you like to watch TV and listen your radio at the same time. Am I being selfish?!

washed my cell phone!

Yeah, I washed my cellphone this afternoon… No idea how I did it…. I must not have checked my pockets very well or something. Now I have a study group tonight and I only know one of the people’s numbers. This sucks. I guess stupidity reigns supreme in all of us.

The family was up here this weekend. We had a good time. We went and saw ‘Texas Chainsaw Massacre’ at the drive in theatre and yesterday we went to the Tech vs. Colorado game (which, by the way, we almost lost). All and all we had a good time. I was finally able to get my truck back and this morning I figured out why the alarm wasn’t working, so it’s all good to go.


If you ever get the chance to take Macroeconomics, run. Run fast and hard…. I have never had such a hard time on a test in my entire life… I am on a mission to just make decent grades this semester because next semester will be much easier.

I am going to be moving this site to a new server and redesigning it this weekend. I know what you’re thinking and it will actually happen this weekend.

not been a good week…

Well it hasn’t been a good week so far…. Last night my truck broke down, again. By the time I replace all of the broken stuff I will have a brand new truck!!

Now I have an Economics test on Thursday that is over 5 chapters, so that will be no fun whatsoever. It is too much information crammed too close together to be of any use. And my next Accounting test is next Tuesday…. way, way, way too soon…. I am still recovering from the last one. And don’t even get me started on Statistics.


Ok, to me, basic business theory should be that if there is an easier, cheaper way to get something done then the company should do it that way. Some of the things I have been doing are complete overkill and part of it has to do with the technology I am limited to using. Don’t get me wrong, Microsoft’s .NET technology is great, but it is simply overkill for some projects that I have been working on recently. Why would I want to write 200 lines of code when 30 can get the same job done faster, cheaper, and more efficiently. The thought process behind all this boggles my mind. How can a company be so one-techonology centric?

Basic common sense would dictate that to be successful a business would need to branch it’s horizons and become a powerhouse rather than too focused. It is somewhat depressing. Secondly, if your primary client is a large company, don’t you think you would branch out and find more clients? Aren’t you somewhat shooting yourself in the foot with one client?