The Beautiful First Weekend of College Football

I’ve spent most of the weekend catching as many football games as possible, even if only on the radio.

Texas Tech got off to a slow start last night with our place kicker missing a field goal and an extra point (why is this guy still on the team?). Tech went on to win 27 to 13.

Surprisingly Bowling Green State University stuck with Oklahoma to only lose by 18. I was waiting for Oklahoma to step all over them (kind of like Texas did to UNT).

The Weekend

The first week of school is over and the weekend is here. So far school has been treating me well and my classes seem like they are going to be interesting and easy (always a good thing).

Political Science has been exactly what I expected, hard to pay attention in. The professor is scatter brained and likes to change the subject from government to religion but does not inform anyone that that is what she’s doing.

I will probably end up working some this weekend. I ran into a database problem with a current project and I need to get it resolved ASAP. Don’t you just love how little things always seem to pop up?

First day of classes

The first day of classes are over and I guess the only thing to say is that this semester is going to be extremely easy. My two MIS professors told me that I would be bored in their classes and that I may only learn a little bit. My Management class focuses on corporation management and decision making/communication at high levels in a business. It seems like a fairly interesting class so I won’t be too bored in there. Political Science will more than likely be the most uninteresting and boring class I have taken in college. The teacher is boring, the subject matter (for the most part) is boring, and it’s a class full of freshmen who have no idea what’s going on.

All in all I am pumped for this semester and I’m wanting to make it a good one, so here’s hoping for the best.

Class list updated

I have updated my class list to reflect the upcoming semester (which starts Monday). It looks like it is going to be somewhat of a breeze so that’s a relief. In all honesty I am ready for school to start so that I can get back into a groove of a schedule and not sitting around waiting for something to do.

I will probably be purchasing a bike here in the next few days since I live so close to campus. I am all for a less expensive way to get around.