iPods on Campus

I have noticed that since two semesters ago there has been a huge influx of iPods all over campus. I would say that 1 out of every 4-5 students has an iPod. This isn’t a scientific study, it is me just watching my surroundings and noticing what people are using to listen to music while they walk to class.

What does this mean for Apple? Well, they obviously have taken the market of harddrive MP3 players and are now moving into the flash based players with their iPod shuffle. You have to remember that by selling their players they are also selling iTunes and their music store which has become a huge source of revenue.

Apple is leading the way but will it lead to problems with their service and quality? I would certainly hope not but since they have already outsourced some of their support to India I can already see things taking a turn for the worst. I know that I do not want to pay $300 for the AppleCare plan and not be able to understand the person of the other end of the phone. This is one of those developing things that I hope Apple decides to take its time with and make sure it matures correctly.

Aiding and Abetting the Enemy

Here is a great essay by an American lieutenant on the media in Iraq and the truth about what is really going on.

He gets straight to the point and tells it like it is, with the media being the main problem with getting the truth out about what is happening in Iraq. Read the essay, take from it what you want, but just realize that it was written by someone who is doing the shooting and being shot at. By someone who does not have an agenda, except to point out the fallacies that lie within the major media outlets.

Class List

I really need to update my class schedule. I’ll put it on my list of things to do tonight. A temporary list of classes can be seen below:

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

  • Ethics 2320 11:00-11:50am

Tuesday and Thursday

  • MIS Seminar 9:30-10:50am
  • Special Topics in ISQS 11:00-12:20pm
  • Public Policy 12:30-1:50pm

I also have an ISQS internship but that just requires me to write a paper that is due at the end of the semester.

FBI retires Carnivore

The Register is reporting that the FBI’s controversial internet surveillance tool has officially been retired and that the bureau has started using an unnamed commercially available alternative.

Carnivore, under the USA PATRIOT Act gave the FBI access to a lot of information that would normally require a warrant to obtain. It is surprising to me that after spending a ton of money to get Carnivore up and running the FBI would just turn to a pre-made solution and use it. I would really like to know the underlying reasoning behind all of this.


I finally have a permanent link system setup for the entries on here. The title of the entry is a link to its permanent location. It is a simple system with nothing fancy, just enough to make the site accessible to people who come in from search engines and are looking for old articles.

Iraqi Elections

The proof is in the pudding is the way I think the saying goes. The insurgents in Iraq have not been focused on getting the U.S. out of the country, they’ve been dead set on causing chaos and unrest. That is all they want. The way they understand democracy is that one party is elected and that party makes the decisions, regardless of what the others want. But in reality, and in the U.S., we understand the system a little better.

Will we see the elections in Iraq go smoothly? Probably not and I doubt the turnout for the elections will be huge. If the situation for voting was the same here as it is in Iraq I am pretty sure I would not go out to vote either. The thought of fellow “countrymen” shooting at you because you want your voice heard is a little too much for me and I am sure it is the same feeling many Iraqi’s have.

There was an interesting piece on some news program last night about the insurgents and why they are fighting. The news crew talked to some and found out that most of them were not even from Iraq, they came from Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and even Pakistan to fight. Not because they hate Americans, but because they just wanted something to do. This kind of reminds me of the situation in Somalia. The fighters there were not fighting for king and country, they were fighting because they were bored and because they were usually paid in drugs.

The question is whether the situation in Iraq will ever improve and I believe it will. I think that our troops are doing the best they can to keep the peace and until the insurgents realize that terror will not get them anything our boys will have to continually be looking over their shoulders.

First Week of School; First Impressions

With the first week of school over I am surprised to say that I may actually enjoy this semester more than last. All of my classes are relatively interesting with the exception of Public Policy.

On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I have Ethics and the professor seems cool and the class, so far at least, is very interesting. On Tuesday and Thursday I have Enterprise Applications, Special Topics in ISQS, and Public Policy. The Enterprise Applications class is going to deal mostly with ASP.NET and C# while the Special Topics class is all Jakarta Struts (exciting!). The Public Policy class is the only class that worries me because the teacher was overly rude on the first day of the class and the size of the class is around 300.

So I am off to a good start for the spring semester. I have a doctor’s appointment Monday afternoon which will hopefully clear up some more of my health issues.