This photo essay by the NY Times of cities during the quarantine is eerily beautiful. – musings for the masses
This photo essay by the NY Times of cities during the quarantine is eerily beautiful.
For the past 15 years, someone has been walking around Los Angeles, mapping and photographing their trips, and posting them online.
I am slowly making my way through them, but the walk from Union Station to Hollywood Hills is currently my favorite.
I am not one to make New Year’s resolutions but as we enter 2017 I did want to share some goals I have for this year. Things that I hope to accomplish and hopes I want to strive for.
So, those are my goals for 2017. I hope to post some of the photography work here, but definitely keep me honest via that Flickr page. Not seeing a new photo in a while? Send me a note on Twitter. What are your hopes and goals for 2017?
The last week of storms have had amazing sunsets accompanying them. This one was particularly breathtaking, the clouds created a shadow over where I was taking the picture and completely backlit the hills you see in the distance. The deep orange and yellow were just too amazing to not take a photo. This was taken on my iPhone but I even ran back inside and loaded the battery and memory card in my DSLR camera and was able to get a few good shots with it as well.
When I lived in Houston a buddy and I would grab tacos on Tuesdays together. We tried a few different places but Taconmadre and Karanchos were our favorites. The trompo tacos at Karanchos were something special.
Recently, during an import of some photographs off of my camera’s SD card, I ran into an issue where Lightroom 4 seems to hang during the import. What seems to have led to this is the fact that the computer went to sleep during the initial import. About a third of the photographs made it into the catalog but the rest did not. Now, when trying to import, I get the following.
As you can see, the import bar is halfway completed but no photos are actually being imported.
One of the things I noticed is that Lightroom creates the temporary folder for the photos on the target disk, but only one photo is copied there. The rest of the import then does nothing. After quitting the import and then attempting to close Lightroom, I have to “Force Quit” in OS X, which then throws an exception.
My suspicion is that the issue is with Lightroom and I am missing a simple fix in all of my searches. I have tried repairing the target disk, repairing permissions on my computer’s hard drive, removing the Lightroom preferences file, and importing from a different disk. All lead to the same above result.
If you have any ideas, I would love to hear them!
This timelapse, taken at Tokyo’s Haneda Airport, is wonderful, especially the long exposure shots sprinkled in. I have always wanted to fly into Haneda to watch the planes from their observation deck and this video just reinforces that desire.
In March I had a three week work assignment in the Los Angeles area. My Sundays were free so one weekend I headed to LAX and took photos of the mid-afternoon arrivals. The planespotting at LAX is a lot of the same traffic day after day but the experience of it is always a blast. If you have a long layover in Los Angeles I highly recommend making a stop at the In-N-Out on Sepulveda Boulevard, grabbing a burger and fries, and watching the planes come in. You can do this by catching the Parking Spot parking shuttle (Sepulveda location). The Parking Spot is well aware of people doing this and they are happy to oblige. Hop on the bus and at the drop off point inside the garage, just head for the single door, you will be able to see In-N-Out through it.
If you have a bit more time, there is another spotting area called Imperial Hill that is just as great for spotting but does not have the In-N-Out (or restrooms).
Below are a few of the shots I was able to get while at LAX. It really is a fun place to watch really large airplanes land.