Standing up for what you believe

An interesting conversation took place tonight. It was a conversation about faith, beliefs, Christianity, evolution, and creationism.

I am a Christian. I believe in Creationism as the cornerstone as to how the Earth was formed and how we as humans came to exist. My thoughts on evolution are that yes, evolution occurs, but not on the scale to form new species. I believe that we see evolution in the level of melatonin in people’s skin depending on where they live or the height of a population depending on their diet.

In the conversation this evening, I was asked if I believed in life elsewhere than on Earth. That’s a question that I cannot answer and I don’t think that’s a bad thing. Space is huge and so is God, so who knows, but quite honestly, who cares? Does it really matter? What would occur if life was found elsewhere?

For years scientists have been touting that they have found ice particles on different planets and that these may be the keys to the foundation of life. Yet, everytime, that’s all we hear about it. We are told that conditions on different planets or moons are perfect for life to form, but that’s all we get, never a follow-up with “Yes! We’ve found life!”. This strikes me as odd, and as possible proof that we might be the only ones out here.

I may not be able to back up everything that I say with fact or scripture, but I still will stand up for what I believe in. Most of the time in conversations that I have with people, they use convoluted logic or “facts” that they received from Jon Stewart and The Daily Show. The produce no real argument, yet criticize my thoughts because I stand for them so firmly.

I am not saying all people are like this. Not at all. There are just a certain few that do it. The same goes for Christians as well. If we push and push, we end up just pushing people away. I have learned that if I listen to people and their thoughts and reasoning behind it, I can better relate, and the more willing they become to listen to me. I am not here to shove Christianity down people’s throats, I am merely here to share it when the time is right.

Unsolicited phone calls

Today I received a phone call from the phone number 305-503-8068 but when I picked up, the call ended. I tried calling the number back but received a pre-recorded menu in Spanish. I hit “9” for the operator and was greeted by a Spanish speaking one. Not knowing enough Spanish to have a full conversation I tried to convey that they should not call me again (this has happened before).

After getting off of the phone I looked up the number by simply typing it into Blingo. I came upon this. It gives some useful information and I will probably follow through and report the number to the provider.

This is just frustrating, having to pay for a 1 second call on my cellphone. Spam was once a problem but that’s easy to filter, it is much more difficult to filter phone calls, just because it is so easy to get a phone number and use it for something like this. The way it works is that these scams wait for your answering machine to pick up, then they leave a pre-recorded message (usually in Spanish). It is illegal to do this but most people do not know this or how to go about handling it.

To put it simply, report the number using

State of Fear

I am reading Michael Crichton’s new book, State of Fear and I can’t put it down.

It is a story about global warming and Crichton’s personal beliefs that it does not exsist. More specifically he believes that humans have a much smaller impact on the climate than scientists give credit for.

The book is well written and has some interesting footnotes with information about global warming and research papers/documents that point to cyclic climate.