Do your roommate a favor

If you come home in the middle of the day and your roommate is watching television, don’t walk into your room, turn on the radio full blast and leave your doors open. Everyone benefits.

To me this just seems like a common courtesy. Maybe that’s just me. Especially if it’s NPR. If I wanted to listen to NPR I would not be watching television. ugh… just been one of those days. Thank God it’s Friday.

First call from Monster

This morning I received a call from a “PRIVATE” number and decided to let it go to the voicemail.

After they left a message, which was a good sign, I listened and found, to my surprise that it was a woman who had come across my resume from and was interested in talking to me.

I put my resume up a few months ago just to see what kind of response I would get and so far it has been nill. Now, from the little research that I have done on the company that she worked for it looks as though it may be a recruiting agency. I am going to give them a call later today and get the full scoop.