Back in Lubbock

I wouldn’t say it’s great to be back, although it’s nice to sleep in your own bed, instead of a hotel. SXSW Interactive was great. I learned a lot new and exciting things and I also had a lot of ideas/processes reiterated and confirmed by the panelists.

Oddly enough, during the last panel that we attended I decided to check the weather in Lubbock to see what we would be driving back to. I was dumb struck with showing snow showers and a temperature in the 30’s. It is very strange to go from great weather in Austin to snow and cold temperatures in Lubbock. Not a return I looked forward to.

All in all it was a great experience. Met some great people and learned some great things. Can’t wait to go back next semester.

Keep your sights on my flickr page for more photos (hopefully soon).

SXSW 2005 So Far…

After a few days here I have been pleased that we (Segars Communications) all came. Some panels have been great and others have been not so great.

As far as the 2005 Web Awards go, we sadly did not win. The folks at Cloud King took the award for best CSS design.

Right now I am sitting in Humor on the Web and they are bringing up some great points about making a living doing comedy on the net… Makes me think that maybe I should change the direction of this site, maybe it will take a comedic direction soon.

After this panel we are heading to Stubb’s and if you are in the mood for probably the best BBQ in Texas then join us around 12:45pm. I am looking forward to a chopped beef sandwich after a few days of strange foods (well, to me at least).

I will slowly be adding photos to my Flickr account. Stay tuned…

First Night in Austin

After a 6.5 hour drive we finally arrived in Austin and the night has gone well. We went to the Kyoto sushi bar and had some (surprisingly) good sushi. I am not a big fish fan but the sushi was very good. I had multiple types, from salmon to tuna, and was not dissappointed.

We start tomorrow at 9:30 am with a walk to the conference center and a full day of “panels”. Hopefully, I’ll have a few pictures up on Flickr soon. In the meantime you can check out ElementalInfusion for Josh’s take on our “adventure”.

SXSW Tomorrow

We (myself, Tim, Josh, Brandon, and Mark) leave for Austin tomorrow for SXSW. We will probably head out of here around 1:30pm and arrive in Austin around 8:00pm. I will have access to my e-mail so if there is something urgent I will still be able to receive it.

Hopefully I will have a chance to write a few posts while the conference is going on.

Bono for the World Bank?

After reading this article on the possibility of Bono becoming the head of the World Bank I have come to the conclusion that the end of the world may be drawing near.

Artists have no place in politics or in economics, end of story. If they did then we (Americans) would have Alec Baldwin as President and the U.S. would no longer exsist, it would be southern Canada. Now, I have to give Bono some credit, he is a fairly well educated man and he’s given a lot to the “community” but I wouldn’t say that makes him a great business man or financeer.

Then I look at other options for head of the World Bank and realize they are few and far between. There are not a whole lot of options when it comes to who I would want in that position but I know that Bono would definitely not be my first choice…

Burger King and 8,000 Hits

After making this post I received 8,000 unique hits over a 2 day period, basically 4,000 uniques a day. Pretty impressive, well, for me at least.

I am not sure I have received that much traffic since middle of last year right before the elections and even then the numbers were nowhere close. I have been working on a new posting system and hopefully it will be up soon.

My dad has been in Lubbock visiting and so far it’s been a good time. We went to Cricket’s, a local college hangout and then some friends and I went to Jake’s Backroom to see Reckless Kelly. I was somewhat dissappointed, the show was packed and extremely loud. About halfway through it I was ready to go but had no way to leave so I was stuck.

So far it’s been a good weekend but as of yesterday I felt like I was coming down with the flu and today confirms it. I woke up sore and very stuffed up. I have a review session tonight for my Ethics class and I really need to go but with my body feeling the way it does I am not sure I will be able to sit through it.