Got the computer back!

Well, I finally got my computer back all fixed up. They put in a cheap 250 Watt Power Supply so I may have to go buy a new one of those. Since my computer is running two harddrives and an extra CD-RW I eat up more power and the 250W doesn’t cut it. I am thinking a 400W will do just fine, but we’ll see.

I’m just happy that I have it back…


Finally was able to get the database restored and it doesn’t look like anything was lost.

I am still waiting to get my computer back but I am drooling over the Asus S5Ne. I am torn between that computer and a 15″ Powerbook.

Both are really cool computers but you can’t beat the 2.2lb weight of the Asus and the Powerbook’s screen size is a big plus… Decisions, decisions… I guess it all comes down to what I want to do with it, which is simple, programming. Most of the programming I do can be done on either one but I would need to relearn the OS itself if I bought the Powerbook. I would also need to relearn the tools…

The tough choices life throws our way.