With so many kids back in Lubbock for summer school my internet has gone back down the tubes. The company that supports the network for the apartment complex is Wild-Packets and let me just reiterate how horrible they are at customer service and just service in general.
My internet goes down for about 5 minutes at a time and then it works for two, then back down. If I am lucky I can check my e-mail and respond in that short amount of time. If the managers at the apartment complex actually cared about their paying customers they would resolve this issue as fast as possible, but no, they could care less.
Next semester, no matter where I am living I am going with Cox. Cable TV and cable internet all rolled into one package sounds like the best idea. DSL is not really an option out here because of the distance limitations and cable seems to get pretty nice speeds out here. We’ll see how it all works out.