Blogging from Sugar Land

Yep, I am spending my Spring Break in the “bubble” of Sugar Land. Yep, that’s right, the home of Tom Delay…

Can you feel my excitement? Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy spending time with my family, but I thought the point of Spring Break was to go and do something. I have been contemplating a trip to Austin to see some friends or to Dallas to look at potential places to live.

After today’s “experience” of filing my tax return, I really do not feel like doing much else. It’s hot and humid here which isn’t much of a new thing around here.

I did attend a “nerd” bachelor party last night… Now, I am not saying that I want strippers and stuff but playing Halo all night just doesn’t do it for me. But I’ve never been a big gamer.

Why is it so hard to study?

Specifically, why is it so hard to study for my Strategic Management test that is today? I just cannot do it. I try to open the book, read through key points, but I get through one or two sentences and I have to close it.

I made a great grade on the last test in this class but the professor has told us this one will be harder. That seems to do nothing to encourage me to study more. Alright, I have to stop writing this and go and try and study.

Why I am not attending SXSW

SXSW Interactive is a great way to really immerse yourself in technology and the people who create it and use it. This year it just is not for me though.

Last year was a one of a kind experience and I enjoyed every minute of it, but after looking through the panel topics and some of the keynotes I decided that this year just was not worth my money or time. I really feel like I can learn just as much about most of this year’s topics by reading and researching on the internet as I could by attending. Kind of disheartening but it’s the truth.

To add to the that, some speakers that I would enjoy listening to just are not on the list of confirmed speakers.

I may be going through Austin during Spring Break, but I highly doubt I will make the stop at SXSW.

I hate being sick (and Google video ads)

I truly hate being sick. I am tired of it. The weather here has been amazing and I am stuck inside trying to fight off a sinus infection. It’s frustrating, but 1pm Friday signals the beginning of Spring Break and it’s about time.

In other interesting news, I came across a thread at SitePoint yesterday that mentioned a website that had Google Video Ads, yes VIDEO. I visited the site and took a screenshot. You can view it here.