Burger King and 8,000 Hits

After making this post I received 8,000 unique hits over a 2 day period, basically 4,000 uniques a day. Pretty impressive, well, for me at least.

I am not sure I have received that much traffic since middle of last year right before the elections and even then the numbers were nowhere close. I have been working on a new posting system and hopefully it will be up soon.

My dad has been in Lubbock visiting and so far it’s been a good time. We went to Cricket’s, a local college hangout and then some friends and I went to Jake’s Backroom to see Reckless Kelly. I was somewhat dissappointed, the show was packed and extremely loud. About halfway through it I was ready to go but had no way to leave so I was stuck.

So far it’s been a good weekend but as of yesterday I felt like I was coming down with the flu and today confirms it. I woke up sore and very stuffed up. I have a review session tonight for my Ethics class and I really need to go but with my body feeling the way it does I am not sure I will be able to sit through it.

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