The Astros: Update

After their 3-0 win over the Cardinals tonight the Houston Astros are one win away from going to the World Series. It’s an exciting time to be a Houston native and if the Astros make it all the way I may just have to make another trip home to catch a game.

What are our odds of winning the next game? I personally think they are pretty high. We demoralized the Cardinals tonight with the 9th inning homer and I think that will work to our advantage in game 6 of the NLCS.

Surprise trip home…

Two friends and I decided to take a trip home to Sugar Land this weekend just for the heck of it. We left Friday morning around 5:30am and arrived in Sugar Land around 2:40pm. It was a long trip but was completely worth it. All of us had a great time seeing our families.

My dad bought a truck while I was in town and my grandparents came to town as well so it was a good trip for me.

We got a late start coming back to Lubbock today because I am not too bright and locked my keys in my truck and had to call AAA to come unlock it. But other than that little incident the trip back was rather uneventful. We did see a truck almost hit an 18 wheeler head on while driving back. The driver of the truck decided that he would try and pass in a no pass area and he didn’t see the semi coming around the bend. He was lucky and the guy he was trying to pass moved out of the way.

So that’s where I’ve been all weekend. Now it’s time to get back to school…

The Debate

I watched part of the Presidential debate last night and was pleasantly surprised to hear Bush doing such a good job of holding his own. Kerry did not offer much and once again he skirted around multiple questions, not even answering a few. The one question that stood out the most was when he was asked where the money for his healthcare plan would come from. He never actually said where the money would come from, he just told people what his healthcare plan would allow them to do. Bush’s reaction to this was priceless, he looked at Kerry and laughed. The healthcare system that Kerry envisions is a pipedream. It is monetarily impossible (of course he’s not going to tell you that, he wants your vote).

Another thing that got me was that Kerry kept going back to the war. This wasn’t a foreign policy debate! People care about the war but they also care about what’s going on right here at home with their retirement, their taxes, etc.

If Kerry gets elected then I am basically saying goodbye to Social Security. I’m not comfortable with that. I do not want to work till I’m 80 to survive. And that (though it may be exaggerated a little) is exactly why I wouldn’t want Kerry in office.

There are two groups of democrats, the ones who support their candidate and those who are completely blind to a candidates policies. If you are going to vote, vote for the person that has the record of doing something you like or you feel is right. Don’t take the media’s word for it, watch for yourself, make your own decision. Don’t be sucked in to vote for someone because your friend told you to. There are rights and wrongs in both camps and you need to decide which camp you want to be in.


The temperature has been dropping all day and with some snow to the west of us in New Mexico if the temperature gets any lower tonight we just might see a little snow. In October!!

We have a group project in my database class that isn’t due until the end of the semester but we had to get started on it today and decide what business we wanted to model/problem solve. It’s one of those projects that could actually be enjoyable because it forces you to find a problem (preferably one that annoys you) in a business and try figure out what is causing the problem and fix it.

I didn’t do as well on my Poli-Sci test as I had originally thought which makes no sense because I studied for it for two days straight. I think I will have a talk with the teacher and make sure she didn’t get my paper mixed in with someone elses. The whole test was definitions, which is what I am awesome at. I can memorize things all day long and not have a problem, so I don’t know what happened on this test. Next time though.

Things that annoy me…

One thing that annoys me is when people post something like this. It’s not the whole post that gets me, it’s the part about Bush. Why is it that people actually write something that they’ve heard without doing a little research.

How in any way did Bush let Bin-Laden get away? Did the people at Tora Bora not move fast enough? No.

Bush didn’t say “hey soldiers, let him get a head start”… If anyone did it was Clinton and no one (read, Democrats) seems to want to believe that either. It is public record that the Sudanese government wanted Bin-Laden out of their country and offered to turn him over to the U.S. Clinton refused. Then the embassy bombings occurred and the Sudanese government offered Bin-Laden up again and again, Clinton refused. Then the there was the USS Cole disaster and the Sudanese government offered him up one last time stating that they were worried he was going to flee the country. What did Clinton do? He refused. Then he tried to make up for his mistake by using cruise missiles to kill Bin-Laden in Afghanistan. That failed.

Clinton had the information and refused to use it. His administration felt that saving the trees and supporting Green Peace was more important.

What I think is going to happen is that the people of this country will look back on Bush’s presidency and realize how much he really has done. But for now the best that most people can do is make statements that they can’t back up.